
First days on the beach

Are you ready? The suitcase is closed and you already imagine yourself to lying on the sand and to enjoy the sun in complete relax? June is the month when the temperatures are still tolerable, especially for children and the elderly. But pay attention! If you think that in this period the sun’s rays are not so intense, you are wrong. Hidden dangers like annoying sunburn are enough to ruin the desired holiday. We let’s talk about the skin, and how to prepare it for sun exposure. We start from prevention and preparation of the body at the beginning of the summer season. It is recommended that the diet should be rich in antioxidant for the prevention of the damages caused by the UV rays and photoaging (skin aging due to the action of sunlight). It is important that in this diet are present vitamins A, E and D which protect the skin exposed at the Sun in this way:
– Regulate absorption and stimulate skin defenses against ultraviolet rays;
– Act as antioxidants by counteracting free radicals.
The ultraviolet rays, in fact, thanks to the high wavelength, are able to penetrate deep into the dermis and cause damages to the capillaries, collagen and elastin, causing erythema and damaging the skin in long term. Keep in mind that the sky, thanks to the wind, is extremely clear and that the rays can be harder than you expected if you do not equip yourself. In the first days, when you are still “dressed” in a dazzling pallor, typically winter, it’s important to have a solar creme with high protection to apply at least half an hour before exposing yourself at the sun. It is always good in this days to avoid exposing yourself during the central hour and, in any case, limit them to prevent sunshine and heatstrokes that represent a risk for elderly people and children.
If certain precautions are taken, the therapeutic properties of the sun can be used to the fullest. Even just 15 minutes exposed to the rays are enough for our body to produce vitamin D, called “sun vitamin” and growth hormone that are unlimited natural sources of health also for the bones and for those people who suffering disease like osteoporosis, rheumatism and arthrosis. And what about illnesses like psoriasis? There is nothing more curative than a beach holiday to have appreciable improvements in a few days.
Last advice, at the end of the day, you have to take time to pamper your skin with a moisturizing and balm creme. You are spoiled for choice on the market, but it is always better to choose one that help the skin to regain hydration lost during exposure and to alleviate any redness caused by sand and salt. In case of bearable sunburn nothing better than a baking soda bath in a cold water or an aloe vera compress, a “panacea” for this seasonal “illnesses”. For more serious pain it’s always better to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Said this, relax and enjoy your holiday in Sardinia’s beaches!!!


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